Import, export and transit

Import, export and transit

Asa Tejarat Caspian is one of the service companies active in the field of commerce, including the import of backgammon boards and irons from Russia, and the export of non-oil and dry goods to CIS countries, and performing customs services at the port of Astrakhan, Russia, which has been able to play a significant role in this category, which With experienced and experienced management and experts, this company has turned into a reliable and well-known group in the field of trade, customs and clearance. During its activity, Asa Tejarat Caspian has been able to provide various commercial services such as clearance of goods, customs affairs, transportation and commercial consultations to commercial and industrial companies, both governmental and non-governmental, and daily clearance of a huge amount of various goods. and deliver to customers.

Mastery of the latest regulations and commercial and customs laws, honesty, trustworthiness and keeping customers’ trade secrets, accuracy in calculations, speeding up customer affairs have brought Caspian Tejat success and customer satisfaction.

General export and import rules

Classification: Import and Export Law

Article 1

Full description: The regulations for the export and import of goods and the provision of related services to all exporters, importers and those whose names are required to be included in the law are determined according to this law and all laws contrary to it are canceled.

Article 2
Full description: Export and import goods are divided into the following three groups:
1- Authorized product: It is a product whose export or import does not require obtaining a license in compliance with the rules.
2- Conditional product: It is a product that can be exported or imported by obtaining a license.
3- Prohibited product: It is a product whose export or import is prohibited according to the holy law of Islam (on the basis of purchase, sale or consumption) or according to the law.

Article 3
Full description: In order to export and import goods commercially, it is necessary to have a commercial card issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines of Iran and approved by the Ministry of Commerce.

Article 4
Full description: The Ministry of Commerce is obliged to make general changes to the executive regulations of this law and the tables attached to the export and import regulations before the end of each year, for the following year, and their specific changes during the year, after asking for opinions from the relevant institutions and the Chamber of Commerce. Prepare and publish the acquired rights for public information after the approval of the Council of Ministers.

Article 5
Full description: All the production ministries are obliged to announce their proposals every year regarding the terms of export and import of similar domestically produced goods according to the domestic needs and requirements of the country for the next year no later than the 15th of February of the same year.

Article 6
Full description: The priority is to transport all imported goods of the country with Iranian vehicles. The instructions related to the use of foreign vehicles, including sea, air, road and railway, are prepared by the Supreme Transport Coordination Council of the country based on the regulations approved by the Council of Ministers.

Article 7
Full description: The government is obliged to allocate special places for the safekeeping of the goods needed to repair and equip the commercial sea and air fleets of the country.

Article 8
Full description: importers of various goods, both governmental and non-governmental, must exclusively refer to the Ministry of Commerce to obtain an entry permit and place an order.

Article 9
Full description: The Central Bank of the Islamic Republic of Iran and the Customs of Iran are obliged to send the statistics of opened order registration and clearance of goods to the Ministry of Commerce and other relevant bodies and chambers at most once every three months.

Article 10
Full description: The government is obliged to specify the following points regarding border exchanges in the executive regulations:
1- Points or depths of the borders of the border where the residents are allowed to have border exchanges.
2- The type and amount of goods that can be exported and imported by the families of border residents or their cooperative companies, Iranian workers working abroad, seafarers and border residents, sailors and employees of vessels that travel between the coasts of the Islamic Republic of Iran and other countries.
3- The conditions that the mentioned persons and groups must have.
4- The terms of issuing and importing goods and fulfilling obligations.

Article 11
Full description: The government is authorized to create a border market in any of the border areas that it deems useful, respecting priorities such as local talent, the need for employment, and the development of business relations with the neighboring country.

Article 12
Full description: import before export of materials and goods used in the production, completion, preparation and packaging of export goods as a temporary entry by presenting a valid commitment or promissory note to the customs to pay all the funds related to the import, except for those related to costs or fees. Yes, it is exempt.

Article 13
Full description: All the country’s export goods (except for crude oil and its downstream products, which are subject to their own regulations) are exempt from any foreign exchange obligations or agreements.

Article 14
Full description: The difference received by the Consumers and Producers Protection Organization and all the funds received by the customs, excluding those related to costs and fees, in relation to the goods, materials, components and foreign parts used in the construction, completion, preparation and The packaging of export goods is returned to the exporter based on the instructions specified in the regulation.

Article 15
Full description: The Ministries of Commerce and Economic Affairs and Finance are obliged to support domestic production in order to simplify the calculations related to the amounts received from imported goods, such as commercial interest, customs duties, compensation for the difference of consumer and producer protection organization, registration fee. order, monopoly rights, municipal duties, local municipality duties (cooperative), red crescent duties, asphalt duties, air duties, port duties, health duties, etc., except for the amounts that are received as customs duties, costs or fees in the case of any Which of the customs tariff lines should be notified to the customs of the Islamic Republic of Iran under the title of commercial profit and the purpose of collection.

Article 16
Full description: How to check the price of imported goods to register an order is specified in the executive regulations that are approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Article 17
Full description: In addition to personal belongings, a traveler who enters the country can import goods up to the limit approved by the Council of Ministers with exemption from customs duties and commercial interest. The clearance of the goods subject to this article is unimpeded provided that they are non-commercial.

Article 18
Full description: imposition and collection of any duties from export items and goods by provincial and district authorities

Article 19
Full description: Every year, the government can pay funds to the exporters under the title of export promotion in the annual budget and in the form of aid to the interest of the facilities paid according to the proposal of the Ministry of Commerce and the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers.

Article 20
Full description: From the beginning of 2013, the government is obliged to pay one percent (1%) of the total funds received for customs duties and commercial profits from importers of non-governmental sectors who import goods commercially, in addition to customs duties and profits. Business should receive as special duties and deposit to the country’s general revenue account. Every year, equivalent to one hundred percent (100%) of the sums that are deposited into the country’s general revenue account, from the credit that is provided for this purpose in the budget law every year, with the approval of the Cabinet of Ministers, is available to the relevant executive bodies. It will be taken to provide training and commercial advertisements based on the executive regulations of this law to encourage and develop the export of non-oil products as well as to set up an export guarantee fund.

Article 21
Full description: In order to support domestic producers and regulate the commercial policy of the country, while respecting the situation of consumers, the Cabinet of Ministers is obliged to prepare a legal bill on customs duties for imported goods within 2 months from the date of approval of this law, as well as to amend Article 37 of the Law on Customs Affairs. and submit it to the Islamic Council for approval.

Article 22
Full description: The Ministry of Commerce is obliged to prevent the export of export carpets from 30 rows and above without a birth certificate in order to preserve and protect Iranian carpets and create a suitable environment for its support in the world markets. Chambers of Commerce and Industries and Mines will issue birth certificates compulsorily and until the said date as an incentive, based on the exporter’s request.

Article 23
Full description: The Ministry of Commerce is required to prepare its executive regulations within one month from the date of promulgation of this law and have it approved by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Article 24
Full description: The Ministry of Commerce is responsible for the proper implementation of this law and its executive regulations.
The above law, consisting of twenty-four articles and twenty-five notes, was approved by the Islamic Council in a public meeting on Sunday, the fourth of Mehr, one thousand three hundred and seventy-two, and was approved by the Guardian Council on 7/11/1372.

Conditions for importing goods to Iran
Importing goods legally has its own rules and individuals or units who import goods must be familiar with the terms and conditions of this work.

The importer of goods is a natural or legal person who imports goods for consumption inside the country according to the relevant permits and must respect the regulations and trade laws of his country and be aware of the regulations and trade laws of the seller’s country. In addition, for import, it is necessary to have a commercial card and if it is a production unit, to have an exploitation license or a production license.

Business Cards
A commercial card is a document that allows you to export and import goods. The business card is issued by the branches of the Iranian Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines in Tehran or cities, in the name of the applicants, both natural persons and legal entities, and is valid after approval by the issuing unit.

Also, the terms, conditions and manner of renewing the business card are done according to the executive regulations.

According to the laws, the following persons and goods do not need to present a commercial card:

– Cooperative companies of border dwellers for the import of goods needed by border dweller families according to the relevant list and in the determined number, quantity and value.
– Iranian sailors working in vessels that travel between the coasts of Iran and other countries.
– Pilehoran for importable goods required by their own province and neighboring provinces in case of obtaining a Pilehvari card.
– Iranian workers working abroad if they have a job report from the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs
– Goods whose entry is not for sale by customs.
– Passenger goods.
– Goods arriving by mail (postal deposits).
– Domestic books and publications for export.

Commercial goods
Goods that are imported or exported as determined by the customs for sale, regardless of whether they are sold in the same form or after manufacturing operations, separated and packaged, will be considered commercial.

Considering that the customs formalities are electronic and the owners of the goods can declare their goods at the customs without the need to be physically present, therefore the owners of the commercial cards or their legal representatives can apply for the username and password with one visit to the authentication unit of the Executive Customs. Get your special pass and proceed with the customs affairs through the comprehensive customs system and the window of the cross-border trade unit.

Documents required for goods clearance

Documents related to goods
which includes the following:

1- DELIVERY ORDER clearance

2- WAREHOUSERECIEPT warehouse bill


The contents of the bill of lading include the number and mark of the goods, the number of containers, the description of packages and goods, the gross weight of the goods

4- Proforma Invoice PROFORMA INVOICE

The contents of the proforma include the name and address of the seller and the buyer, type, amount, number of goods, unit price and total price, payment terms, delivery time, validity period of the proforma, origin of the goods.



It is accompanied by shipping documents in cases where the imported product has more than one package and its contents are diverse.


It is a document that includes the name of the country of manufacture and the specifications of the purchased goods (weight-number of items-label-type of packaging-number of the letter of credit and bank opening the credit) and is usually issued by the Chamber of Commerce of the countries.

8- Registration of business order ORDER OF REGISTRATION

Importers of goods must refer to the Ministry of Commerce to obtain a definitive entry permit and place an order

9- Insurance policy if there is an INSURANCE POLICY

Assurance and guarantee of preservation and storage of goods against possible risks is one of the basic documents required for registering the order of goods when opening credit. Its date must be at the same time or before the shipping date. The amount of the insurance policy must be at least equal to the safe value of the goods.

10-Standard certificate (according to the case) STANDARD CERTIFICATE


such as health, standards, atomic energy, culture and guidance, plant quarantine, etc.

12-Inspection certificate

It is a document that is issued by one of the inspection companies and states that the registered goods ordered and shipped are the same.


The second category of documents related to the owner of the goods
which includes the following:

The original commercial card (for verification at the customs in the first visit) COMMERCIAL ID
Importing and exporting goods commercially requires having a commercial card issued by the Chamber of Commerce, Industries and Mines and approved by the Ministry of Commerce.

2- The original national card (for verification at the customs in the first visit)

3- Copy of all business card pages

4- Copy of the page of the national card related to the owner of the goods (for verification at the customs in the first visit)

The third category of documents related to the representative of the goods owner
which includes the following:

1- Original and copy of the national card (for verification at the customs in the first visit)

2- The original and copy of the notarized power of attorney (for verification at customs in the first visit) LETTER OF ATTORNEY

3- The original and copy of the letter of introduction for the relevant customs (for verification at the customs at the first visit)

4- Copy of power of attorney

5- Copy of introduction letter

6- Copy of insurance booklet

Transit of goods
Transit of goods refers to non-customs goods transferred from one authorized customs office to another authorized customs office under customs supervision so that final customs formalities are completed at the destination.

This customs procedure is the only procedure whose formalities are uncertain, in the sense that the goods are not definitively cleared at the entry customs and are transited to an internal customs to perform definite clearance formalities.

Transit is divided into two categories, internal and administrative, based on whether it is at the request of the applicant or at the decision of the customs.

Office transit
If there is no room in the customs warehouses, the cargo will be transferred to another customs warehouse with the issuance of an administrative order. The responsibility for loss-damage and the cost of transportation and related services during the administrative transit with the customs.

Personal transit
The customs office of origin accepts your personal request for transit and the responsibility for loss-damage-deficiency of the goods during transit is with the declarant of the goods.

Required forms
Form No. 110 (transit permit)

Form 091-2-M (Foreign Transit Goods Declaration)

Documents required for transit
In case of one-piece shipment, the agreement of the port and shipping company stating that one-piece shipment is unimpeded, otherwise, the warehouse bill

Certificate of clearance from shipping

Manifest or bill of lading

Goods purchase invoice

Baling list

Letter of introduction for representatives coming from the owner of goods for law firms

Power of attorney

The image of a business card or royalty card

Passage permit for the entry of internal transit goods

Guarantee or legal obligation

Bank license

Road CHR guide

In order to exploit the empty capacities of customs and special economic zones at entry points, customs must agree to the transit of goods to customs and special zones based on the request of the organization and the regional official.

Domestic transit rules
In case of evaluation of internal transit goods at the customs of origin, additional goods of the same type more than 5% or additional goods other than the declared cargo are observed, according to the law, it is considered smuggling.

If the internal transit goods do not reach the destination customs within the stipulated time, they will be subject to smuggling regulations. In case of accidents and incidents, the goods can be cleared by receiving a fine up to 5 days after the validity of the internal transit permit.

Foreign transit
It is a product that has an origin and a destination other than Iran and only passes through the territory of Iran. Foreign transit is a customs procedure in which the goods are imported from one authorized customs office and exited from another authorized customs office under customs supervision in order to cross the customs territory.

Foreign transit rules
Whenever it is observed that the seal is missing during the handling of transit goods at the exit customs, the customs checks the contents and compares them with the transit permit, and if the cargo has been tampered with, it is dealt with according to the smuggling regulations.

If the goods in transit leave the customs territory or are not delivered to the customs by the end of the validity period of the permit, it will be dealt with according to the customs smuggling regulations.