

It is a specialized process and it is very important for any merchant or company to clear their goods from customs on time.

In order to clear the goods from customs, it is necessary to go through many administrative procedures accurately and on time and obtain the necessary permits.

Asa Tejarat Caspian Company, with years of useful experience in this field, can provide a lot of help to trading companies and respectable traders, who, by having expert staff and skilled forces, carry out all clearance operations in a specialized manner, delivering goods from origin to destination. will give .

Satisfying customers and complying with the principles of customer orientation are always at the top of our company’s activities and always try to keep our customers satisfied with the activities performed.

Chart of clearance procedures

  • Receive form and packing list
  • Obtaining a business order registration license
  • Insuring goods, coordination for inspection at origin and destination
  • Filing a case for allocating currency and bank transfer
  • Communication with the transport
  • companyLand: all land borders that have customs such as Shahriar and Gharb customs, sea: all ports such as Shahid Rajaei Bandar Abbas customs, air: Imam Khomeini airport customs
  • Receive shipping documents from shipping companies
  • Completing the documents and filing, preparing the draft statement
  • Review and approval by customs and trade technical expert
  • Import declaration round

Before taking any action, it is better to consult with a reputable company that is familiar with the procedures of customs clearance and take action with the help of experts in this field, because due to the time-consuming procedures of goods clearance, you may have to visit customs many times. and spend a lot of time and money doing this!

Asa Tejarat company will accompany the customer to go through the legal procedures from the beginning to the end of clearance and receipt of goods from all customs of the country. So that the customer does not have to worry about the delay in receiving the imported goods.

With the help of experts in the field of commerce, importing companies will not have to worry about problems in customs clearance, but if they do it personally without having enough information, the imported goods may remain in customs for months and you will not be able to clear them. clear the

Asa Tejarat company, with more than 10 years of experience and the benefit of an experienced team, starts to provide commercial services.

Our services include:

Goods are cleared from all customs in the North (Anzali Nowshahr, Amirabad), Imam Khomeini Port Customs, Bandar Abbas Customs and Imam Khomeini Airport Customs.